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Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Beat Thang: Producing Music on a Budget

Jason Chase

     Over the years we have seen the prices of music equipment become cheaper and cheaper while products become better and better.  Once the personal computer became the main brain of the studio this changed everything.  In addition, going from analog to digital made the playing field even and gave hope to music producers who had dreams of making their own music.  Now and days you have young producers coming up using software like Fruity Loops producing hits for artist.  Who would have thought that a person sitting in the middle of America or in China could make a beat in their bedroom that could change the music world.  I think that is great for music but some people think that the cheap prices of equipment and software hurt the music.  I strongly disagree making things more affordable opened up creativity to producers who may have never would have gotten the chance to create their own music.

            At one time you couldn’t get equipment like an MPC 2000 for less than $3,000.00 now things have changed because of software and products like fruity loops and The Beat Thang.  The soft synth instruments have changed the game dramatically who would have thought you can make a beat that sounds like a full fledge
orchestra on your computer.  Just the other day I was working on my MV-8000 and I thought wow I brought this in 2005 and already considered old school…lol!! I started searching online looking for something that would not break my budget but had quality to it.  My search had me on youtube looking at The Beat Thang at first I said what the hell is this?  Then I watched the videos and went to the website and saw the specs I was like wow this is a good product.

            Three days later I brought The Beat Thang it’s a virtual MPC that you can download on your Mac or PC and make beats with your computer keyboard.  They also have an actual beat machine for sale that is pretty cool looking to me.  I downloaded the software and was blown away with the quality of the sounds that it comes with.  I forgot to mention that it only cost $99.00 and comes with over 3,000 master sounds, that‘s crazy! Right now I feel that I am definitely producing music on a budget while keeping a professional sound.  Any producer that is reading this and you are on a budget and do not want to break your pockets but you want quality I thing that the new software that is being developed can and will help you.  Just look at this beat thang 3,000 high quality studio mastered sounds that you start with and oh yeah you can other sounds as well as sample from youtube.  If this does not open up your creativity then I don’t know what will.

This beat software has changed my mind about hardware:

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